NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Install
  • Usage
  • API
  • Example
  • Introduction

    SpatialCanvas is an iOS SDK meant to enhance your application by providing a persistent augmented reality experience. This document specifies the main API for developers.



    In your Podfile, add the following line to your targets of interest:

    pod 'SpatialCanvas', '~> 0.5'

    In your application Info.plist, add the following property:

    <string>This application will use the location for Augmented Reality persistence.</string>

    For now, the SDK only supports CocoaPods as its install method.


    The SDK lets you create and restore rooms which have persisted objects associated. In order to accomplish this, it relies on the existence of a rectangled master anchor object that should not move and be unique within the real-world space (for instance, a frame in the wall).

    In order to create a room the following steps are required:

    1. Give the room a unique name.
    2. Scan it.
    3. Scan a master anchor object.

    On the other hand, when restoring you need to:

    1. Select the room you want to restore.
    2. Scan the master anchor object of the restored room.



    The main entry point for the SDK. It exposes functions to create and restore rooms and it's accessed through the SpatialCanvas.shared singleton instance.

    weak var delegate: SpatialCanvasDelegate?

    Delegate of SDK. It extends the ARSessionDelegate protocol.

    func initialize()

    Initialize the SDK. This should be done when the application launches.

    func run(sceneView: ARSCNView, with configuration: ARWorldTrackingConfiguration)

    Instead of calling as you would normally do in an ARKit based app, you should call this function.

    func pause()

    Instead of calling sceneView.session.pause() you should call this function.

    func createRoom(name: String, room: RoomScan, masterAnchor: MasterAnchorScan, completion: @escaping Completion<ResultValue<SpatialCanvasRoom>>)

    Creates a room with the given name, room scan and masterAnchor.

    func restoreRoom(id: String, completion: @escaping Completion<ResultValue<SpatialCanvasRoom>>)

    Restores a room with the given id.

    func getNearRooms(completion: @escaping Completion<ResultValue<[SpatialCanvasRoomDescriptor]>>)

    Retrieves a list of near rooms based on the current GPS location.

    func deleteRoom(roomId: String, completion: @escaping Completion<Result>)

    Deletes a room with the given id.


    Delegate that extends the ARSessionDelegate. You should set your view controller as the delegate on the SpatialCanvas.shared.delegate variable.
    Instead of conforming to the ARSessionDelegate, you would conform to the SpatialCanvasDelegate.

    extension ViewController: SpatialCanvasDelegate {
        // functions from ARSessionDelegate
        func spatialCanvas(_ spatialCanvas: SpatialCanvas, didFailWith error: Error) {
            // an SDK error has occurred


    Lets you scan the room you are creating. An instance of this class is required to call the SpatialCanvas.shared.createRoom function.

    func start()

    Starts the scan.

    func stop()

    Stops the scan. You can still re-start it from its current state.

    func finish()

    Call this function once you are done with the scan.

    func clear()

    Resets the current state of the scanner.

    var onNewFrame: (([float3]) -> Void)?

    Notifies you about new scanned feature points.

    var onProgress: ((Float) -> Void)?

    Progress indicator in the range [0,1].


    Lets you scan the master anchor object of the room. An instance of this class is required to call the SpatialCanvas.shared.createRoom function. All described functions for the RoomScan apply for this class as well.

    init(visualizer: ImageSearchVisualizer? = nil)

    Creates an instance with an associated visualizer. The visualizer will be notified about the scanner state.

    func scan()

    Attempts to extract the current rectangled detected shape. In case of success, it will be notified to the visualizer.


    Protocol used to provide feedback about the current master anchor scan state.

    protocol ImageSearchVisualizer {
      // on-screen rectangle
      func on(rectangle: Rectangle2D)
      // real-world metrics
      func on(width: Double, height: Double)
      // after a successful masterAnchorScan.scan() call
      func on(image: ImageWithMetrics)
      func onReset()
      func onNoRectangle()


    Represents a created or restored room. It lets you add objects and notifies you whenever objects are added, found or updated.

    weak var delegate: SpatialCanvasRoomDelegate?

    Delegate of the room. It will be notified when an object is found, added or updated. Objects are found only when restoring a room.

    let masterAnchor: MasterAnchor

    Master anchor object. It has an imageUrl property describing the scanned anchor object.

    func addObject(position: float3, eulerAngles: float3, completion: Completion<Result>? = nil)

    Adds an object to the room in the given position and orientation. The object addition will be notified through the delegate.


    Notifies you whenever objects are added, found or updated.

    protocol SpatialCanvasRoomDelegate: class {
      // objects were found after restoring a room and scanning the master anchor object
      func spatialCanvasRoom(_ spatialCanvasRoom: SpatialCanvasRoom, didFindObjects objects: [SpatialCanvasObject])
      // object was added to the room
      func spatialCanvasRoom(_ spatialCanvasRoom: SpatialCanvasRoom, didAddObject object: SpatialCanvasObject)
      // objects already added or found were updated in the room
      func spatialCanvasRoom(_ spatialCanvasRoom: SpatialCanvasRoom, didUpdateObjects objects: [SpatialCanvasObject])


    Room descriptor.

    class SpatialCanvasRoomDescriptor: NSObject {
        let id: String
        let name: String


    Represents an object being managed by the SDK.

    class SpatialCanvasObject {
        let id: String
        let position: float3
        // orientation
        let eulerAngles: float3


    In order to see an example of usage please visit here.